Two crews from Melton Fire Station were mobilised to bedroom fire last night (Tuesday).
A 999 call from the owner of a property was received by Fire Control at 6:50pm reporting that there was an electrical fire within the property on Torrance Drive in Melton.
Two appliances from Melton were sent to the property. Firefighters isolated the electrics and the fire was out on arrival of the Fire Service.

Both of Melton's appliances were sent to the incident. Photo: NEMM File Photo.
A spokesperson for Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service said: "On arrival Incident Commander confirmed light smoke issuing from 1st floor of dwelling, 2 fire fighters in breathing apparatus with 1 water hose reel and 1 CO2 extinguisher deployed.
Fire confirmed as put out by occupier before arrival of fire service.
Natural ventilation of property taken place.
Property has 2 working smoke alarms."
No injuries were reported but severe fire damage was reported to a lamp and speaker and slight smoke damage to the bedroom.