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Melton prepares for Armed Forces Week

A flag flying ceremony to support Britain’s National Armed Forces Day has been arranged by Melton Borough Council.

The event will take place outside the front of the Council Offices, Parkside on Burton Street on Monday 20 June 2022. It will start at 10.50am and members of the public are invited to come along and show their support and honour those who are serving, have served and those who have given their lives for their country in various conflicts and wars.

Military organisations will be represented and will include handlers and dogs from the RAVC Defence Animal Training Regiment in Melton. WO1 (RSM) Matthew Eade, will take the lead in the parade.

Guests will be formally welcomed by The Mayor, Cllr Alan Hewson, followed by a short service and blessing of the flag by Deacon Alison McCauley. The flag will be raised at 11am to honour the British Armed Forces, past, present, and future. The flag will be raised by Sgt Whyte MBE.

Members of the public are invited to the event at Parkside. Photo: NEMM

Mayor of Melton Borough, Cllr Alan Hewson, said “Flying the flag is an opportunity to show our support and respect for all those who have served and continue to serve within the Armed Forces. Many of us know or have known someone who has served within the Armed Forces, including myself who went to school with people who served in the Falklands War.

Melton has proud ties to our Armed Forces, including the animals, being the home of the Defence Animal Training Regiment. I would like to urge our residents to come out to support the Armed Forces community during this week, starting with our Flying of the Flag ceremony.”

Among those supporting the event are local branches of the Armed Forces and the Royal British Legion.

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