A familiar face has been elected as the new Mayor of the Borough of Melton at their annual Council meeting last night.
The Council appointed Councillor Tim Webster as the Mayor for the coming year, who announced that the Mayor’s Charities would be Melton Prostrate Cancer, Support Group for Prostaid and Belvoir Cricket and Countryside Trust.
Councillor Siggy Atherton was elected as Deputy Mayor.
Outgoing Mayor Cllr Alan Hewson said: “On this final day in office as Mayor, I wish to thank all the people, organisations, and businesses of Melton Borough who continue to welcome and support the role of Mayor in our community. These last two years have passed so quickly and although I feel a degree of sadness it is coming to an end, it will be good to have a rest.
“I wish the incoming Mayor, Councillor Tim Webster and his Consort, Mrs Sally-Anne Webster, an enjoyable and rewarding Mayoral Year, and thank Cllr Webster for his support during this past 12 months.”

New Mayor of the Borough of Melton , Cllr Tim Webster (Centre, left) with outgoing Mayor Cllr Allan Hewson (centre, right). Photo: Melton Borough Council
Mr Webster, who lives in Melton, is a familiar face within the town having had a successful career of more than 30 years at Melton Livetock Market as well as a well known face on the local cricket scene.
Cllr Tim Webster, The Mayor of Melton, added “Myself and my wife, Sally-Anne, are honoured to have this opportunity.
“I can promise you, that I wear this chain with great pride, and I pledge to uphold the dignity and honour that this position demands, and I look forward to serving and promoting all that is best within the Borough and the Town of Melton Mowbray.”
During the meeting the Members agreed the Council’s Constitution, including some proposed amendments to ensure appropriate schemes of delegation and the Constitution is kept up to date.
The Leader and Cabinet remains unchanged and includes:
Councillor Pip Allnatt, Leader of the Council and portfolio holder for Housing, Leisure and Landlord Services.
Councillor Margaret Glancy, Deputy Leader of the Council and portfolio holder for Governance, Environment and Regulatory Services.
Councillor Sharon Butcher, portfolio holder for Town Centre, Growth and Prosperity.
Councillor Sarah Cox, portfolio holder for Corporate Finance, Property and Resources.
Councillor Pat Cumbers, portfolio holder for Communities, Health and Well-Being.
Councillors were re-appointed as Chairs and Vice Chairs to several Committees of the Council including:
Councillor Leigh Higgins, Chair of Audit & Standards Committee.
Councillor James Mason, Vice Chair of Audit & Standards Committee.
Councillor Steve Carter, Chair of Licensing Committee (Taxi and General) and Licensing Committee (Alcohol and Gambling).
Councillor Simon Lumley, Vice Chair of Licensing Committee (Taxi and General) and Licensing Committee (Alcohol and Gambling).
Councillor Allen Thwaites, Chair of Planning Committee.
Councillor James Mason, Vice Chair of Planning Committee.
Councillor Mike Brown, Chair of Scrutiny Committee.
Councillor Allen Thwaites, Vice Chair of Scrutiny Committee.
Full details of the annual meeting and a video of the broadcast can be found on the Melton Borough Council website at: https://democracy.melton.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=133&MId=2453