Shocking footage has been released showing young people running along railway lines in front of a train which had to come to an emergency stop in Syston.
The footage, which was filmed by the train driver, shows the incident which occurred on Monday 22nd May.
The video shows the youngsters putting themselves at serious risk through their irresponsible actions.
There have been three separate incidents of trespass in the area over the past few weeks, all incidents have involved large groups of children, it is suspected the children are running down the line to get access to nearby fields to play in.
Trespassing on the railway is a dangerous act that could have fatal or extremely detrimental effects on those who participated, their family, and everyone else involved.

A still from the video showing the youngsters dicing with death. Photo: Network Rail
Network Rail has been working closely with British Transport Police (BTP) to crack down on crossing misuse and trespass.
Network Rail is urging people of the risks associated with trespassing on the railway. It is against the law and extremely dangerous to trespass on the railway.
Offenders could be prosecuted and given a £1,000 fine.
Elisha Allen, Community Safety Manager for Network Rail’s East Midlands Route, said: “This behaviour is incredibly dangerous and deeply concerning. The maximum line speed in this area is 75mph, trains can’t swerve out of the way, and it can take up to the length of 20 football pitches to come to a complete stop after the emergency brake is applied.
The video which shows the teenagers captured by a train driver. Credit: Network Rail
“We are currently working alongside BTP to arrange safety sessions for young people to educate them on the life changing or even fatal consequences which trespass and railway crossing misuse can have. We would also like to remind everyone how important it is to stop, look and listen when crossing a railway crossing.
“We would encourage families across the area to sit down with their loved ones and hammer home the dangers of stepping onto the track.”
The route carries many trains a day both passenger and freight services including the Stanstead Airport to Birmingham New Street service which calls at Melton.
Inspecgor Dave Barker from British Transport Police, said: "Trespass is a serious and sometimes deadly offence. Sadly many children and young people think the rail tracks look tempting places to play and don't consider how dangerous the tracks can be.
"Not only is it a criminal offence to trespass on the tracks, it can have life changing and sometimes fatal consequences. We operate a range of tactics to tackle trespass incidents, and work closely with Network Rail and train operating companies to ensure the safety of the public.
"We ask the public to report anyone they see trespassing or report any concerns via text 61016, telephone 0800 40 50 40 and in an emergency call 999."